PWA Web App as TWA and publish on Google play storeProgressive Web ApplicationsJun 6, 20249Jun 6, 20249
SSTP VPN connection for MacOS (Intel)On macOS, using the Homebrew package manager, you can create an SSTP connection to the <your_router_name> router running the SSTP VPN…Apr 3, 20246Apr 3, 20246
A Guide to JPA with Hibernate (Relationship Mappings) — OneToOne , OneToMany , ManyToOne …IntroductionNov 2, 20201203Nov 2, 20201203
Three ways to find the largest word in the stringThis article is based on Free Code Camp Basic Algorithm Scripting “Find the Longest Word in a String”.Jul 3, 2020Jul 3, 2020
Making PWAs work offline with Service workersService Workers are a virtual proxy between the browser and the network. They finally fix issues that front-end developers have struggled…Apr 20, 20204Apr 20, 20204
Why ReactJS , Why React is getting so popular ✍🏻ReactJS is an open-source library created and maintained by facebook. Right now it has more than 60.000 stars on Github and the…Dec 7, 2019Dec 7, 2019
Learn Storybook: The UI component development tool for React , Vue , AngularStorybook is a user interface development environment and playground for UI components. The tool enables developers to create components…May 18, 2019May 18, 2019
Why Do We Write super(props)?I heard Hooks are the new hotness. Ironically, I want to start this blog by describing fun facts about class components. How about that!Feb 23, 2019Feb 23, 2019
Is JavaScript synchronous or asynchronous? What the hell is a promise?We, the people, like structure. We like categories and descriptions and putting everything we know into tidy little boxes. This is why I…Dec 2, 20181Dec 2, 20181
Javascript: Promise(ES6):A Promise is a proxy for a value not necessarily known when the promise is created. It allows you to associate handlers with an…Nov 21, 2018Nov 21, 2018
Javascript: Closures (ES6:EcmaScript2015):closure: A closure is the combination of a function and the lexical environment within which that function was declared.Nov 21, 2018Nov 21, 2018
12 reasons why ReactJS has taken over the world:ReactJS is an open-source library created and maintained by facebook. Right now it has more than 60.000 stars on Github and the…Nov 3, 2018Nov 3, 2018
This is why we need to bind event handlers in Class Components in React:While working on React, you must have come across controlled components and event handlers. We need to bind these methods to the component…Nov 3, 20182Nov 3, 20182